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/ Apple Reference & Presen…tion Library 2 (Reseller) / Apple R&P Lib Reseller v2.0.iso / 4-Fonts & Software / Applications / Adobe Illustrator 88 / Adobe Illustrator 88.rsrc / PICT_259_Startup.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1989-06-22  |  6KB  |  498x274  |  1-bit (2 colors)
Labels: book | daily | gazette | school newspaper
OCR: Adobe Illustrator Mike Schuster Teri Pettit John MacMillan Steve Schiller, John Kunze Bill Paxton, and John Warnoc Copyrigh 1987 1988 Adobe Systems Incorporated Peronalized for: All Rights Reserved Adobe Illustrator 88 and the Adobe Illustrator Logo are trademarks of Adobe Svtem Incorporated. PANTONE@ and PANTONEO MATCHING SYSTEM registered trademarks of Pantone Inc. Warnock Copyright Systemr regis tered